Page:The Works of J. W. von Goethe, Volume 14.djvu/30

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planned, " Elpenor " has two acts completed, and many of the minor poems are written. Among these poems, be it noted, are the two songs in " Wilhelm Meister," " Kennst du das Land " and " Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt," which speak feelingly of his longing for Italy. The preparations for that journey are made in silence. He is studying Italian, and undertakes the revision of his works for a new edition, in which Wieland and Herder are to help him.

Seeing him thus happy in love, in friendship, in work, with young Fritz hving with him, to give him, as it were, a home, and every year bringing fresh clear- ness in his purposes, one may be tempted to ask what was the strong impulse which could make him break away from such a circle, and send him lonely over the Alps ? Nothing but the gadfly of genius. Italy had been the dream of his youth. It was the land where self-culture was to gain rich material and firm basis. That he was born to be a Poet, he now dehberately acknowledged ; and nothing but sohtude in the Land of Song seemed wanting to him. Thither he yearned to go ; thither he would go.

He accompanied the duke. Herder, and the Frau von Stein to Carlsbad in July, 1786, taking with him the works to be revised for Goschen's new edition. The very sight of these works must have strengthened his resolution. And when Herder and the Frau von Stein returned to Weimar, leaving him alone with the duke, the final preparations were made. He had studiously concealed this project from every one ex- cept the duke, whose permission was necessary ; but even from him the project was partially concealed. " Forgive me," he wrote to the duke, " if at parting I spoke vaguely about my journey and its duration. I do not yet know myself what is to become of me. You are happy in a chosen path. Your affairs are in good order, and you will excuse me if I now look after