Page:The Works of J. W. von Goethe, Volume 9.djvu/196

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And with arms outstretching far
Leaps she on the glowing pyre.
But the youth divine outsprings
From the flame with heav'nly grace,
And on high his flight he wings,
While his arms his love embrace.
In the sinner repentant the Godhead feels joy;
Immortals delight thus their might to employ
Lost children to raise to a heavenly place.



Dreaded Brama, lord of might!
All proceed from thee alone;
Thou art he who judgeth right!
Dost thou none but Brahmins own?
Do but Rajahs come from thee?
None but those of high estate?
Didst not thou the ape create,
Ay, and even such as we?

"We are not of noble kind,
For with woe our lot is rife;
And what others deadly find
Is our only source of life.
Let this be enough for men.
Let them, if they will, despise us;
But thou, Brama, thou shouldst prize us.
All are equal in thy ken.

Now that, Lord, this prayer is said.
As thy child acknowledge me;
Or let one be born instead,
Who may link me on to thee!