Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 1.djvu/330

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And who that dear lov'd one may be,
Is not for vulgar eyes to see;
And why that early love was cross'd,
Thou know'st the best, I feel the most;
But few that dwell beneath the sun
Have loved so long, and loved but one.


I've tried another's fetters too,
With charms perchance as fair to view;
And I would fain have loved as well,
But some unconquerable spell
Forbade my bleeding breast to own
A kindred care for aught but one.


'Twould soothe to take one lingering view,
And bless thee in my last adieu;
Yet wish I not those eyes to weep
For him that wanders o'er the deep;
His home, his hope, his youth are gone,[1]
Yet still he loves, and loves but one.[2]

1809. [First published, 1809.]

  1. Though wheresoe'er my bark may run,
    I love but thee, I love but one.—[Imit. and Transl., p. 230.]
    The land recedes his Bark is gone.
    Yet still he loves and loves but one.—[MS.]
  2. Yet far away he loves but one.—[MS.]