Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 2.djvu/139

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Twined with my heart, and can I deem thee dead
When busy Memory flashes on my brain?
Well—I will dream that we may meet again,
And woo the vision to my vacant breast:
If aught of young Remembrance then remain,
Be as it may Futurity's behest,[1]
For me 'twere bliss enough to know thy spirit blest!


Here let me sit upon this massy stone,
The marble column's yet unshaken base;
Here, son of Saturn! was thy favourite throne:N4
Mightiest of many such! Hence let me trace
The latent grandeur of thy dwelling-place.

It may not be: nor ev'n can Fancy's eye

    the conclusion of the poem." It follows from this second statement that we have Byron's authority for connecting stanza ix. with stanzas xcv., xcvi., and, inferentially, his authority for connecting stanzas ix., xcv., xcvi. with the group of "Thyrza" poems. And there our knowledge ends. We must leave the mystery where Byron willed that it should be left. "All that we know is, nothing can be known."]

    I ask thee not to prove a Sadducee;[a]
    Still dream of Paradise, thou know'st not where,[b]
    Which if it be thy Sins will never let thee share
    [c].—[MS. D. erased.]}}   a. The Sadducees did not believe in the Resurrection.—[MS. D.]
      b. But look upon a scene that once was fair.—[Erased.]
    Zion's holy hill which thou wouldst fancy fair.—[Erased.]
      c. As those, which thou delight'st to rear in upper air.—[Erased.]
    Yet lovs't too well to bid thine erring brother share.—[D. erased.]

  1. Whate'er beside
    Howe'er may be
    Futurity's behest.[a]
    Or seeing thee no more to sink in sullen rest.—[MS. D.]

      a. [See letter to Dallas, October 14, 1811.]