Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 2.djvu/143

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Where was thine Ægis, Pallas! that appalled[1]
Stern Alaric and Havoc on their way?N8
Where Peleus' son? whom Hell in vain enthralled,
His shade from Hades upon that dread day
Bursting to light in terrible array!
What! could not Pluto spare the Chief once more,
To scare a second robber from his prey?
Idly he wandered on the Stygian shore,
Nor now preserved the walls he loved to shield before.


Cold is the heart, fair Greece! that looks on Thee,

Nor feels as Lovers o'er the dust they loved;

    Or will the gentle Dilettanti crew
    Now delegate the task to digging Gell,[c]
    That mighty limner of a bird's eye view,
    How like to Nature let his volumes tell:
    Who can with him the folio's limit swell
    With all the Author saw, or said he saw?
    Who can topographize or delve so well?
    No boaster he, nor impudent and raw,
    His pencil, pen, and spade, alike without a flaw
    .—[D. erased.]

      a. [William Richard Hamilton (1777-1859) was the son of Anthony Hamilton, Archdeacon of Colchester, etc., and grandson of Richard Terrick, Bishop of London. In 1799, when Lord Elgin was appointed Ambassador to the Sublime Porte, Hamilton accompanied him as private secretary. After the battle of Ramassieh (Alexandria, March 20, 1801), and the subsequent evacuation of Egypt by the French (August 30, 1801), Hamilton, who had been sent on a diplomatic mission, was successful in recapturing the Rosetta Stone, which, in violation of a specified agreement, had been placed on board a French man-of-war. He was afterwards employed by Elgin as agent plenipotentiary in the purchase, removal, and deportation of marbles. He held office (1809-22) as Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, and as Minister at the Court of Naples (1822-25). From 1838 to 1858 he was a Trustee of the British Museum. He published, in 1809, Ægyptiaca, or Some Accotint of the Ancient and Modern State of Egypt; and, in 1811, his Memorandum on the Subject of the Earl of Elgin's Pursuits in Greece. (For Hamilton, see English Bards, etc., line 509: Poetical Works, 1898, i. 336, note 2.)]
      b. Thomas Hope, Esqr., if I mistake not, the man who publishes quartos on furniture and costume.

    [Thomas Hope (1770-1831) (see Hints from Horace, line 7: Poetical Works, 1898, i. 390, note 1) published, in 1805, a folio volume entitled, Household Furniture and Internal Decoration. It was severely handled in the Edinburgh Review (No. xx.) for July, 1807.]

      c. It is rumoured Gell is coming out to dig in Olympia. I wish him more success than he had at Athens. According to Lusieri's account, he began digging most furiously without a firmann, but before the resurrection of a single sauce-pan, the Painter countermined and the Way-wode countermanded and sent him back to bookmaking.—[MS. D.]

    [See English Bards, etc., lines 1033, 1034: Poetical Works, 1898, i. 379, note 1.]

  1. Where was thine Ægis, Goddess ——.—[MS. D. erased.]