Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 2.djvu/160

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A spot he longed to see, nor cared to leave:
Oft did he mark the scenes of vanished war,
Actium—Lepanto—fatal TrafalgarN13
Mark them unmoved, for he would not delight
(Born beneath some remote inglorious star)[1]
In themes of bloody fray, or gallant fight,
But loathed the bravo's trade, and laughed at martial wight.[2]


But when he saw the Evening star above
Leucadia's far-projecting rock of woe,
And hailed the last resort of fruitless love,N14
He felt, or deemed he felt, no common glow:
And as the stately vessel glided slow[3]
Beneath the shadow of that ancient mount,
He watched the billows' melancholy flow,
And, sunk albeit in thought as he was wont,[4]
More placid seemed his eye, and smooth his pallid front.


Morn dawns; and with it stern Albania's hills,

Dark Suli's rocks, and Pindus' inland peak,[5]
  1. [For Byron's "star" similes, see Canto III. stanza lxxxviii. line 9.]
  2. —— and looked askance on Mars.—[MS. erased.]
  3. [Compare the line in Tennyson's song, Break, break, break, "And the stately ships go on."]
  4. And roused him more from thought than he was wont
    While Pleasure almost seemed to smooth his pallid front
    .—[MS. D.]
    While Pleasure almost smiled along ——.—[MS. erased.]

  5. [By "Suli's rocks" Byron means the mountainous