Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 2.djvu/162

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Forgets that Pride to pampered priesthood dear;
Churchman and Votary alike despised.
Foul Superstition! howsoe'er disguised,
For whatsoever symbol thou art prized,
Thou sacerdotal gain, but general loss!
Who from true Worship's gold can separate thy dross?


Ambracia's gulf behold, where once was lost
A world for Woman, lovely, harmless thing![1][2]
In yonder rippling bay, their naval host
Did many a Roman chief and Asian KingN15
To doubtful conflict, certain slaughter bring:
Look where the second Cæsar's trophies rose![3]N16
Now, like the hands that reared them, withering:
Imperial Anarchs, doubling human woes![4]
God! was thy globe ordained for such to win and lose?

  1. —— lovely harmful thing.—[MS. pencil.]
  2. [Compare Byron's Stanzas written on passing the Ambracian Gulph.]
  3. [Nicopolis, "the city of victory," which Augustus, "the second Cæsar," built to commemorate Actium, is some five miles to the north of Prevesa. Byron and Hobhouse visited the ruins on the 30th of September, and again on the 12th of November (see Byron's letter to Mrs. Byron, November 12, 1809: Letters, 1898, i. 251).]
  4. Imperial wretches, doubling human woes!
    God! was thy globe ere made
    ——.—[MS. erased.]