Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 2.djvu/166

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Ne city's towers pollute the lovely view;
Unseen is Yanina, though not remote,
Veiled by the screen of hills: here men are few,
Scanty the hamlet, rare the lonely cot:
But, peering down each precipice, the goat[1]
Browseth; and, pensive o'er his scattered flock,
The little shepherd in his white capoteN24
Doth lean his boyish form along the rock,
Or in his cave awaits the Tempest's short-lived shock."[2]


Oh! where, Dodona![3] is thine agéd Grove,

Prophetic Fount, and Oracle divine?
  1. But frequent is the lamb, the kid, the goat—
    And watching pensive with his browsing flock
    .—[MS. erased.]

  2. Counting the hours beneath yon skies unerring shock.—[MS. erased.]
  3. [The site of Dodona, a spot "at the foot of Mount Tomaros" (Mount Olytsika) in the valley of Tcharacovista, was finally determined, in 1876, by excavations carried out, at his own expense, by M. Constantin Carapanos, a native of Arta. In his monograph, Dodone et ses Ruines (Paris, 1878, 4to), M. Carapanos gives a detailed description of the theatre, the twofold Temenos (I. L'Enceinte du Temple, II. Téménos, pp. 13–28), including the Temple of Zeus and a sanctuary of Aphrodite, and of the numerous ex voto offerings and inscriptions on lead which were brought to light during the excavations, and helped to identify the ruins. An accompanying folio volume of plates contains (Planches, i., ii.) a map of the valley of Tcharacovista, and a lithograph of Mount Tomaros, "d'un aspect majestueux et pittoresque … un roc nu sillonné par le lit de nombreux torrents" (p. 8). Behind Dodona, on the summit of the many-named chain of hills which confronts Mount Tomaros, are "bouquets de chêne," sprung it may be from the offspring of the προσήγορσοι δρύες (Æsch., Prom., 833), the "talking oaks,"