Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 2.djvu/217

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Each Palikar his sabre from him cast.

Stanza lxxi. line 7.

Palikar, shortened when addressed to a single person, from Παλικαρι [παλληκάρι], a general name for a soldier amongst the Greeks and Albanese, who speak Romaic: it means, properly, "a lad."


While thus in concert, etc.

Stanza lxxii. line 9.

As a specimen of the Albanian or Arnaout dialect of the Illyric, I here insert two of their most popular choral songs, which are generally chanted in dancing by men or women indiscriminately. The first words are merely a kind of chorus without meaning, like some in our own and all other languages.

1. Bo, Bo, Bo, Bo, Bo, Bo,
Naciarura, popuso.
1. Lo, Lo, I come, I come; be thou silent.
2. Naciarura na civin
Ha pen derini ti hin.
2. I come, I run; open the door that I may enter.
3. Ha pe uderi escrotini
Ti vin ti mar servetini.
3. Open the door by halves, that I may take my turban.
4. Caliriote me surme
Ea ha pe pse dua tive.
4. Caliriotes[1] with the dark eyes, open the gate that I may enter.
5. Buo, Bo, Bo, Bo, Bo,
Gi egem spirta esimiro.
5. Lo, Lo, I hear thee, my soul.
6. Caliriote vu le funde
Ede vete tunde tunde.
6. An Arnaout girl, in costly garb, walks with graceful pride.
7. Caliriote me surme
Ti mi put e poi mi le.
7. Caliriot maid of the dark eyes, give me a kiss.
8. Se ti puta citi mora
Si mi ri ni veti udo gia.
8. If I have kissed thee, what hast thou gained? My soul is consumed with fire.
  1. The Albanese, particularly the women, are frequently termed "Caliriotes," for what reason I inquired in vain.