Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 2.djvu/25

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Insertions in the First Edition.

Stanza i. "Oh, thou! in Hellas deemed of heavenly birth,"—
viii. "Yet oft-times in his maddest mirthful mood,"—
ix. "And none did love him!—though to hall and bower,"—
xliii. "Oh, Albuera! glorious field of grief!"—
lxxxv. "Adieu, fair Cadiz! yea, a long adieu!"—
lxxxvi. "Such be the sons of Spain, and strange her Fate,"—
lxxxviii. "Flows there a tear of Pity for the dead?"—
lxxxix. "Not yet, alas! the dreadful work is done,"—
xc. "Not all the blood at Talavera shed,"—
xci. "And thou, my friend!—since unavailing woe,"—
xcii. "Oh, known the earliest, and esteemed the most,"—

The MS. of the Second Canto numbers eighty stanzas; the First Edition numbers eighty-eight stanzas.

Omissions from the MS.

Stanza viii. "Frown not upon me, churlish Priest! that I,"—
xiv. "Come, then, ye classic Thieves of each degree,"—
xv. "Or will the gentle Dilettanti crew,"—
lxiii. "Childe Harold with that Chief held colloquy,"—

Insertions in the First Edition.

Stanza viii. "Yet if, as holiest men have deemed, there be,"—
ix. "There, Thou! whose Love and Life together fled,'—
xv. "Cold is the heart, fair Greece! that looks on Thee,"—
lii. "Oh! where, Dodona! is thine agéd Grove?"—
lxiii. "Mid many things most new to ear and eye,"—
lxxx. "Where'er we tread 'tis haunted, holy ground,"—
lxxxiii. "Let such approach this consecrated Land,"—
lxxxiv. "For thee, who thus in too protracted song,"—
lxxxv. "Thou too art gone, thou loved and lovely one!"—