Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 3.djvu/564

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Like him she saw upon the block
With heart that shared the headsman's shock,
In quickened brokenness that came,
In pity o'er her shattered frame,
None knew—and none can ever know:
But whatsoe'er its end below,
Her life began and closed in woe!


And Azo found another bride,530
And goodly sons grew by his side;
But none so lovely and so brave
As him who withered in the grave;[1]
Or if they were—on his cold eye
Their growth but glanced unheeded by,
Or noticed with a smothered sigh.
But never tear his cheek descended,
And never smile his brow unbended;
And o'er that fair broad brow were wrought
The intersected lines of thought;540
Those furrows which the burning share
Of Sorrow ploughs untimely there;
Scars of the lacerating mind
Which the Soul's war doth leave behind.[2]
He was past all mirth or woe:
Nothing more remained below
But sleepless nights and heavy days,
A mind all dead to scorn or praise,
A heart which shunned itself—and yet

That would not yield, nor could forget,550
  1. [Here, again, Byron is supra grammaticam. The comparison is between Hugo and "goodly sons," not between Hugo and "bride" in the preceding line.]
  2. [Lines 539-544 are not in the Copy, but were inserted in the Revise.]