Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 4.djvu/71

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But were a kind of nutriment; he lived
Through that which had been death to many men,
And made him friends of mountains:[1] with the stars
And the quick Spirit of the Universe[2]
He held his dialogues; and they did teach
To him the magic of their mysteries;
To him the book of Night was opened wide,
And voices from the deep abyss revealed[3]200
A marvel and a secret—Be it so.


My dream was past; it had no further change.
It was of a strange order, that the doom
Of these two creatures should be thus traced out
Almost like a reality—the one
To end in madness—both in misery.

July, 1816.
[First published, The Prisoner of Chillon, etc., 1816.]

  1. [Compare—

    "Where rose the moontains, there to him were friends."

    Childe Harold, Canto III. stanza xiii. line 1.

    "... and to me
    High mountains are a feeling."

    Ibid., stanza lxxii. lines 2, 3,
    Poetical Works, 1899, ii. 223, 261.]

  2. [Compare—

    "Ye Spirits of the unbounded Universe!"

    Manfred, act i. sc. 1, line 29, vide post, p. 86.]

  3. [Compare Manfred, act ii. sc. 2, lines 79-91; and ibid., act iii. sc. 1. lines 34-39; and sc. 4, lines 112-117, vide post, pp. 105, 121, 135.]