Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 6.djvu/39

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Thy clanking chain, and Erin's yet green wounds,
Have voices—tongues to cry aloud for me.
Europe has slaves—allies—kings—armies still—
And Southey lives to sing them very ill.


Meantime, Sir Laureate, I proceed to dedicate,
In honest simple verse, this song to you.
And, if in flattering strains I do not predicate,
'T is that I still retain my "buff and blue;"[1]
My politics as yet are all to educate:
Apostasy 's so fashionable, too,
To keep one creed 's a task grown quite Herculean;
Is it not so, my Tory, ultra-Julian?[2]

Venice, Sept. 16, 1818.

  1. [Charles James Fox and the Whig Club of his time adopted a uniform of blue and buff. Hence the livery of the Edinburgh Review.]
  2. I allude not to our friend Lander's hero, the traitor Count Julian, but to Gibbon's hero, vulgarly yclept "The Apostate."