Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 7.djvu/49

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All ready and dressed for proceeding to spunge on
(According to compact) the wit in the dungeon—[1]
Pray Phœbus at length our political malice
May not get us lodgings within the same palace!
I suppose that to-night you're engaged with some codgers,
And for Sotheby's Blues[2] have deserted Sam Rogers;
And I, though with cold I have nearly my death got,
Must put on my breeches, and wait on the Heathcote;[3]
But to-morrow, at four, we will both play the Scurra,
And you'll be Catullus, the Regent Mamurra.[4]

[First published, Letters and Journals, 1830, i. 401.]



When Thurlow this damned nonsense sent,
(I hope I am not violent)
Nor men nor gods knew what he meant.

  1. [James Henry Leigh Hunt (1784-1859) was imprisoned February, 1813, to February, 1815, for a libel on the Prince Regent, published in the Examiner, March 12, 1812.—Letters, 1898, ii. 205-208, note 1.]
  2. [For "Sotheby's Blues," see Introduction to The Blues, Poetical Works, 1901, iv. 570, et ibid., 579, 580.]
  3. [Katherine Sophia Manners was married in 1793 to Sir Gilbert Heathcote. See Letters, 1898, ii. 402, 406.]
  4. [See Catullus, xxix. 1-4—

    "Quis hoc potest videre? quis potest pati,
    Nisi impudicus et vorax et aleo,
    Mamurram habere, quod Comata Gallia
    Habebat uncti et ultima Britannia?" etc.]

  5. [One evening, in the late spring or early summer of 1813, Byron and Moore supped on bread and cheese with Rogers. Their host had just received from Lord Thurlow [Edward Hovell Thurlow, [1781-1829] a copy of his Poems on Several Occasions (1813), and Byron lighted upon some lines to Rogers, "On the Poem of Mr.