Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 7.djvu/54

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To see my manor as much as I may,
And watch that no souls shall be poached away.


"I have a state-coach at Carlton House,
A chariot in Seymour-place;[1]20
But they're lent to two friends, who make me amends
By driving my favourite pace:
And they handle their reins with such a grace,
I have something for both at the end of the race.


"So now for the earth to take my chance."
Then up to the earth sprung he;
And making a jump from Moscow to France,
He stepped across the sea,
And rested his hoof on a turnpike road,
No very great way from a Bishop's abode.[2]30


But first as he flew, I forgot to say,
That he hovered a moment upon his way,

To look upon Leipsic plain;
  1. [Lord Yarmouth, nicknamed "Red Herrings," the eldest son of the Regent's elderly favourite, the Marchioness of Hertford (the "Marchesa" of the Twopenny Post-Bag), lived at No, 7, Seymore Place, Mayfair. Compare Moore's "Epigram:" "'I want the Court Guide,' said my lady, 'to look If the House, Seymour Place, be at 30 or 20,'" etc.—Poetical Works, 1850, p. 165.]
  2. [The allusion may be to a case which was before the courts, the Attorney-General v. William Carver and Brownlow Bishop of Winchester (see Morning Chronicle, November 17, 1813). Carver held certain premises under the Bishop of Winchester, at the entrance of Portsmouth Harbour, which obstructed the efflux and reflux of the tide. "The fact," said Mr. Serjeant Lens, in opening the case for the Crown, "was of great magnitude to the entire ration, since it effected the security, and even the existence of one of the principal harbours of Great Britain."]