Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 7.djvu/62

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But there now was a "call" and accomplished debaters
Appeared in the glory of hats, boots and gaiters—161
Some paid rather more—but all worse dressed than Waiters!


There was Canning for War, and Whitbread for peace,
And others as suited their fancies;
But all were agreed that our debts should increase
Excepting the Demagogue Francis.
That rogue! how could Westminster chuse him again
To leaven the virtue of these honest men!
But the Devil remained till the Break of Day
Blushed upon Sleep and Lord Castlereagh:[1]170
Then up half the house got, and Satan got up
With the drowsy to snore—or the hungry to sup:—
But so torpid the power of some speakers, 't is said,
That they sent even him to his brimstone bed.


He had seen George Rose—but George was grown dumb,
And only lied in thought![2]
And the Devil has all the pleasure to come

Of hearing him talk as he ought.
  1. [Compare Moore's "Insurrection of the Papers"—

    "Last night I toss'd and turn'd in bed,
    But could not sleep—at length I said,
    'I'll think of Viscount C—stl—r—gh,
    And of his speeches—that's the way."]

  2. [George Rose (1744-1818) was at this time Treasurer of the Navy. Wraxall, who quotes the "Probationary Odes" with regard to his alleged duplicity, testifies that he "knew him well in his official capacity, during at least twelve years, and never found him deficient in honour or sincerity." (Posthumous Memoirs, 1836, i. 148). Moore ("Parody of a Celebrated Letter") makes the Regent conceive how shocked the king would be to wake up sane and find "that R—se was grown honest, or W—stm—rel—nd wiser."]