Page:The Works of Lord Byron (ed. Coleridge, Prothero) - Volume 7.djvu/83

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Pronouncing on the nouns and particles,
Of some of our forthcoming Articles.
The Quarterly—Ah, Sir, if you
Had but the Genius to review!—
A smart Critique upon St. Helena,
Or if you only would but tell in a50
Short compass what——but to resume;
As I was saying, Sir, the Room—
The Room's so full of wits and bards,
Crabbes, Campbells, Crokers, Freres, and Wards
And others, neither bards nor wits:
My humble tenement admits
All persons in the dress of Gent.,
From Mr. Hammond to Dog Dent.[1]
A party dines with me to-day,
All clever men, who make their way:60
Crabbe, Malcolm,[2] Hamilton,[3] and Chantrey,
Are all partakers of my pantry.
They're at this moment in discussion
On poor De Staël's late dissolution.

Her book,[4] they say, was in advance—
  1. [George Hammond (1763-1853) was a distinguished diplomatist, who twice (1795-1806 and 1807-1809) held the office of Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. He is associated with the foundation of the Anti-Jacobin and the Quarterly Review. In the drawing-room of Albemarle Street, he was Murray's "chief 4-o'clock man," until his official duties compelled him to settle at Paris.—Letters, 1900, iv. 160, note 1. John Dent, M.P., a banker, was nicknamed "Dog Dent" because he was concerned in the introduction of the Dog-tax Bill in 1796. In 1802 he introduced a Bill to abolish bull-baiting.—Ibid.]
  2. [Sir John Malcolm (1769-1833), soldier, administrator, and diplomatist, published (January, 1815) his History of Persia.—Letters, 1899, iii. 113, note 1.]
  3. [For "Dark Hamilton," W. R. Hamilton (1777-1859), see Childe Harold, Canto II. stanza xiii. var. 1, Poetical Works, 1899, ii. 108, note l. Lines 61, 62 were added October 12, 1817.]
  4. [Madame de Staël's Considerations sur la Révolution Françase was offered to Murray in June, 1816 (Memoir, etc., 1891, i. 316),