I forgot to tell your grace, that the memorial I gave Mr. Harley was drawn up by myself, and was an abstract of what I had said to him: it was as short as I could make it; that which you sent being too long, and of another nature.
I dined to day with Mr. Harley; but I must humbly beg your grace's pardon if I say no more at present, for reasons I may shortly let you know. In the mean time, I desire your grace to believe me, with the greatest respect,
My Lord,
your grace's
most dutiful
and most humble servant,
I THANK you for your's of the 10th instant, and send you enclosed a farther power by my lord primate and me. My lord is not able to come to town, which obliged me to wait on him at Johnston, and hindered the joining of two or three bishops in it who are yet in town: but I suppose our signing is sufficient. I went in the morning to wait on his grace, and intended, when he had signed it, to have applied to other bishops; but he was abroad taking the air, and I could not get it until it was late, and thought it better to sign and lend it as it is, than wait for another post. You