Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/148

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and that he published a very foolish narrative[1]; but neither remember exactly the time, or under what ministry it was, or who were his patrons. It seems convenient, that these should be known; because it is reported, that Mr. Harley and Mr. St. John were those, who chiefly countenanced him, and he their peculiar favourite. One would think this should convince the world, that Mr. Harley is not in the French interest, but it has not yet had that effect with all: nay, some whisper the case of Fenius Rufus, and Scevinus in the 15th book of Tacitus, accensis indicibus ad prodendum Fenium Rufum, quem eundem conscium et inquisitorem non tolerabant. Mr. St. John is condemned for wounding Guiscard; and had he killed him, there would not have wanted some to suggest, that it was done on purpose, lest he should tell tales.

We had a strange piece of news by last packet, that the address to her majesty met with but a cold reception from one party in the house of commons; and that all the lords, spiritual and temporal of that party, went out when it passed in the lords house. But I make it a rule, never to believe party news, except I have it immediately from a sure hand.

I was in hopes to have heard something of our first-fruits and twentieth parts; but I doubt that matter sleeps, and that it will be hard to awaken it.

You will expect no news from home. We eat and drink as we used to do. The parties are toler-

  1. 'The marquis de Guiscard's Memoirs were published with a dedication to queen Anne, dated at the Hague, May 10, 1705.'
