Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/368

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doubt he is. The whigs proposed two questions in the house of lords against him, and lost both, one by twelve, and the other, I think, by eighteen votes.

Court affairs go on as they did. The cry is still on the captain's side[1]. Is not he the person Barber means by one of the best pens in England? It is only my own conjecture, but I can think of nobody else. Have you the queen's speech, the lords address, &c. or shall I send them to you? and do you want a comment? Have Pope and Parnell been to visit you, as they intended?

I had a letter yesterday from Gay, who is at the Hague, and presents his humble service to you. He has writ to Mr. Lewis too, but his respect makes him keep greater distance with him: and I think mine is the pleasanter letter, which I am sorry for.

We were alarmed by B.[2] two days ago: he sent Tooke word, our friend was ill in the country; which we did not know how to interpret, till he explained it. It was Mrs. M.[3] he meant; but she is in no danger. Pray, write immediately, that there may be no farther delay to what we ought to have had a week ago.

  1. Lord Bolingbroke; alluding to his difference with lord Oxford.
  2. John Barber.
  3. Mrs. Manley, the writer of the Atalantis, who lived with Mr. Barber at that time.