Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/373

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than it would have done in July. The whigs give out the duke of Marlborough is coming over, and his house is actually now fitting up at St. James's. We have had more variety of lies of late than ever I remember. The history we were formerly talking of, would swell to a prodigious size, if it was carried on. There was a fire last night on Towerhill, that burnt down forty or fifty houses. You say nothing of coming to town. I hope you do not mean to steal away to Ireland without seeing us.

LONDON, JULY 17, 1714.

A SECOND to morrow is almost past, and nothing has been yet left at St. Dunstan's. B.[1] will lose by his prodigious cunning; but that is nothing to the punishment he deserves. Had it been only his fear, he would have chosen somebody else to consult with; but the rogue found out it was well written, and saw the passages that galled. I am heartily vext at the other person[2] from whom one might have expected a more honourable proceeding. There is something very mean in his desiring to make alterations, when I am sure he has no reason to complain, and is at least as fairly dealt with as his competitor[3]. Besides, a great part of it is as much for his service as if he had given directions himself to have it done. What
