Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/422

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LONDON, AUG. 12, 1714.

OUR justices sit several hours every day, without affording us the least news. I do not hear any thing they have done worth mentioning, except some orders they have given about the dispute in the city of Dublin. You may be sure they are not such as will please our friends; but I think you and I agreed in condemning those proceedings in our own people. My lord Derby is made lord lieutenant of Lancashire. That and Hampshire are the only vacant employments they have filled up; I suppose, under pretence of their being maritime counties. If the whigs had directed the list of regents, Marlborough, Sunderland and Wharton had not been left out. There are five tories too, that would not have been in. Though they were a little whimsical for three or four days about the succession, they seemed to recant, and own themselves in an errour by the later votes. Every one of them approved the peace, and were for the address at the end of the last session, that it was safe, honourable and advantageous. Considering what ministers were employed here by the court of Hanover, and that the king himself had little information but what he received from them, I think his list shows no ill disposition to the tories: and they say he is not apt to be hasty in removing the persons he finds in employment. The bill is brought in for granting him the old duties for the civil list. One Wikes, of Northampton, moved to tack the
