Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 11.djvu/45

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NOV. 2, 1708.

THOUGH you won't send me your broomstick[1], I'll send you as good a reflection upon death as even Adrian's himself, though the fellow was but an old farmer of mine, that made it. He had been ill a good while; and when his friends saw him a going, they all came croaking about him as usual; and one of them asking how he did? he replied, in great pain, "If I could but get this same breath out of my body, I'd take care, by G—, how I let it come in again." This, if it were put in fine Latin, I fancy would make as good a sound as any I have met with.

I am,

Your most affectionate humble servant,

Εῦδαιμονεῖν καὶ Εὐπράτλειν


IT is reported of the famous Regiomontanus, that he framed an eagle so artfully of a certain wood,

  1. Meditation on a Broomstick, written by Dr. Swift about this time.
Vol. XI.