mois d'Avril. Il ne se passe rien de nouveau ici dans la république des lettres, qui mérite de vous être mandé. Les jesuites de Paris ont condamné en termes très-forts les sentimens du P. Hardouïn, & l'ont contraint de les rétracter d'une manière honteuse. On verra quelle en sera la suite. Je voudrois pouvoir vous être utile ici à quelque chose: vous verriez par là, combien je suis, monsieur, votre tres humble & tres obéissant serviteur,
THE business of the twentieth parts and first-fruits is still on the anvil. We are given to understand, that her majesty designs, out of her royal bounty, to make a grant of them for charitable uses, and that it is designed this grant should come over with his excellency the lord lieutenant. The bishops in this town at present thought it reasonable to apprise his excellency of the affair, and to address him for his favour in it, which accordingly is done by this post. We have sent with this address the representation made at first to her majesty about it; the reference to the commissioners of the revenue here, and their report, together with the memorial to the lord Pembroke. In that there is mention of the state of the diocese of Dublin, as a specimen of the