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come back at the time of my license, I am afraid. Therefore two or three days before it expires, which will be the beginning of October, (you will find by the date of the last) take out a new one for another, half year; and let the same clause be in (of leave to go to Great Britain, or elsewhere, for the recovery of his health) for very probably, if this unfortunate event should happen of the loss of our friend (and I have no probability or hopes to expect better) I will go to France, if my health will permit me, to forget myself[1]. I leave my whole little affairs with you; I hate to think of them. If Mr. Deacon, or alderman Pearson, come to pay rent, take it on account, unless they bring you their last acquittance to direct you. But Deacon owes me seventy-five pounds, and interest, upon his bond; so that you are to take care of giving him any receipt in full of all accounts. I hope you and Mrs. Worrall have your health. I can hold up my head no longer. I am sincerely yours, &c.

You need not trouble yourself to write, till you have business; for it is uncertain where I shall be.

SEPT. 1727.

THIS cruel disorder of deafness, attended with giddiness, still confines me. I have been debating

  1. Soon after the date of this letter the dean went to Ireland; and Mrs. Johnson, after languishing about two months, died on the 28th of January, 1727-8, in the 44th year of her age.
