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the good effects of it. I have seen Dr. Delany at my lodgings; but, as I have been for a few days with Mr. Pulteney at Cashioberry, I have not yet returned his visit. I went with him to wait upon lord Bathurst and lord Bolingbroke; both of whom desire me to make you their compliments. Lady Bolingbroke was very much out of order; and with my lord is now at Dawley; she expects a letter from you. Mrs. Howard would gladly have the receipt you have found so much benefit by: she is happier than I have seen her ever since you left us, for she is free as to her conjugal affairs, by articles of agreement. The Beggar's Opera has been acted now thirty-six times, and was as full the last night as the first; and as yet, there is not the least probability of a thin audience: though there is a discourse about the town, that the directors of the royal academy of musick design to solicit against its being played on the outlandish opera days, as it is now called. On the benefit day of one of the actresses last week, one of the players falling sick, they were obliged to give out another play, or dismiss the audience. A play was given out, but the audience called out for the Beggar's Opera; and they were forced to play it, or the audience would not have staid.

I have got by all this success, between seven and eight hundred pounds; and Rich (deducting the whole charge of the house) has cleared already near four thousand pounds. In about a month I am going to the Bath with the duchess of Marlborough and Mr. Congreve; for I have no expectations of receiving any favours from the court. The duchess of Queensberry is in Wiltshire, where she has had the smallpox in so favourable a way, that she had
