Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 12.djvu/465

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nitely richer than you imagine; John Gay shall help me to entertain you, though you come like king Lear with fifty knights — Though such prospects as I wish, cannot now be formed for fixing you with us, time may provide better before you part again: the old lord may die, the benefice may drop, or, at worst, you may carry me into Ireland. You will see a work of lord Bolingbroke's, and one of mine; which, with a just neglect of the present age, consult only posterity; and, with a noble scorn of politicks, aspire to philosophy. I am glad you resolve to meddle no more with the low concerns and interests of parties, even of countries (for countries are but larger parties) Quid verum atque decens, curare, et rogare, nostrum sit. I am much pleased with your design upon Rochefoucault's maxim, pray finish it[1]. I am happy whenever you join our names together: so would Dr. Arbuthnot be, but at this time he can be pleased with nothing: for his darling son is dying in all probability, by the melancholy account I received this morning.

The paper you ask me about is of little value. It might have been a seasonable satire upon the scandalous language and passion with which men of condition have stooped to treat one another: surely they sacrifice too much to the people, when they sacrifice their own characters, families, &c. to the diversion of that rabble of readers. I agree with you in my contempt of most popularity, fame, &c. even as a writer I am cool in it, and whenever

  1. The poem on his own death, formed upon a maxim of Rochefoucault. It is one of the best of his performances, but very characteristick.
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