Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 12.djvu/64

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you provided for yourselves may do well enough here, but pray send it soon. I wish you would give a body more early warning; but you must blame yourselves. Delany says he will come in the evening; and for aught I know Sheridan may be here at dinner: which of you was it that undertook this frolick? Your letter hardly explained your meaning, but at last I found it. Pray do not serve me these tricks often. You may be sure, if there be a good bottle you shall have it. I am sure I never refused you, and therefore that reflection might have been spared. Pray be more positive in your answer to this.

Sunday morning, April 30, 1721.

Margoose[1], and not Mergoose, it is spelt with an a, simpleton.

No, I am pretty well after my walk. I am glad the archdeacon[2] got home safe, and I hope you took care of him. It was his own fault; how could I know where he was? and he could have easily overtaken me; for I walked softly on purpose, I told Delany I would.

  1. The name of a species of strong wine. A similar word is used in an epilogue, ascribed to the dean, in the Gulliveriana, p. 64.
    "And with richest margoux to wash down a titbit."
    Dr. Bramston, in his "Crooked Sixpence," talks of
    "Chatteau, margout, or the renown'd pontack."
    And Dr. Dunkin, vol. II, p. 211, after deprecating bumpers, adds,
    "O raise not the fury of potent margouze!"
  2. Archdeacon Walls.