Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 12.djvu/7

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FROM Peter Ludlow, esq. 1
From Mr. Prior 4
From Mr. Addison 5
From Dr. Arbuthnot 7
From the same 9
From lord Bolingbroke 12
To lord Bolingbroke 17
From Mr. Prior 21
From the same 22
To miss Vanhomrigh 24
To Dr. Sheridan 25
To lord Bolingbroke 28
From the duchess of Ormond 32
From Mr. Prior 34
To R. Cope, esq 37
From miss Vanhomrigh 39
From the same 41
To miss Vanhomrigh ib.
To the same 42
From miss Vanhomrigh 43
To miss Vanhomrigh 44
From sir T. Hanmer 45
From sir Con. Phipps 47
From Mr. Prior 48
From the same 49
To Stella 51
To the rev. Mr. Wallis 53
To the bishop of Meath ib.
To Vanessa 55
From lord Bolingbroke 57
From the duchess of Ormond 64
a 2