Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 13.djvu/291

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and when I am there, will certainly obey your commands to the duke of Dorset. My brother George and lady Suffolk are gone to France to make a visit to lord Berkeley; which I am glad of, as I hope it will induce her to go to Spa and Aix-la-Chapelle, for her health, which I am afraid is very necessary for her, and truly believe is all she wants to make her easy and happy; or else my brother George is not the honest good natured man I really take him to be; and she dissembles well, if she is not so happy as she makes me believe, and I heartily wish her.

You order me to write long letters; but you may see by the nothingness of this, I am yet more unfit than ever to observe your orders, though in all things, and at all times, Your most sincere and truly humble servant,


JUNE 23, 1736.

IF you can believe me, I can assure you, that we have a great plenty of flies at Cavan; and let me whisper you in this letter, nec desunt pediculi nec pulices; but I beseech you not to speak of it. Si me non fallit observatio, we shall have more of the Egyptian plagues, quippe multitudo militum die crastino adventura est in Cavanniam nostrum. I do not know what the devil they will do for meat. De nostro cibo, nisi furtim, aut vi abripiant, uxor me capiat, si gustaverint. The ladies are already bespeaking seats in my field upon the hill, Spectatum

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