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Well, when will you come down, or will you come at all? I think you may, can, might, could, would, or ought to come. My house is enlarging and you may now venture to bring your own company with you; namely, the provost, archdeacon Wall, the bishop of Clogher, and ———, by way of enlivening the rest. Do not let my lord Orrery come with them; for I know they will not be pleased with his company. My love to my sweetheart Mrs. Whiteway, if she continues constant; if not, my hatred and my gall. Excuse my haste. I hope by the next post to make up for this short epistle. I am, dear sir, with all affection and respect, your most obedient humble servant,

I send you a letter from Mr. Carte.

CORKE, JULY 2, 1736.

I HAD the favour of your commands with relation to Mr. Dunkin[1]; and, in pursuance of them, have

  1. A female relation of Mr. Dunkin had bequeathed an estate in land, for ever, to the college and fellows of Trinity College, Dublin, upon condition that they should take care of his education, and afterward assist to advance him in the world. The college, in consequence of this request, allowed him, at this time, an annuity, which he was now soliciting to get increased to 100l. He succeeded in his application; and the earl of Chesterfield, when he had the government of Ireland, in the year 1746, gave him the school of Enniskilling, which is very richly endowed, and was founded by king Charles I.
