Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 13.djvu/351

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all got cold this winter, big owing tooth in lick lad ink old wet her, an dare ink you rabble. —— Well, I triumph over you, Is corn urine cap a city. Pray, tell me, does the land of Quilca pay any rent? or is any paid by the tenant? or is there not any part of 50l. to be got? But before you make complaints of ill payments from your school, I will declare I was never so ill paid as now, even by my richer debtors. I have finished my will for the last time, wherein I left some little legacy, which you are not to receive till you shall be entirely out of my debt, and paid all you owe to my executors. And I have made very honourable mention of you in the will, as the consideration of my leaving these legacies to you.

Explain this proverb, Salt dry fish, and the wedding gold, is the vice of women both young and old. Yes, you have it i nam o mento time. The old hunks Shepherd has buried his only son, who was a young hunks come to age.


Here is a rhime; it is a satire on an inconstant lover.

You are as faithless as a Carthaginian,
To love at once, Kate, Nell, Doll, Martha, Jenny, Anne.

A specimen of Latinitas Grattaniana.

Ego ludam diabolum super duos baculos cum te.
Voca super me cras.
Profecto ego dabo tibi tuum ventrem plenum legis.
Sine me solum cum illo. Ego capiam tempus.
Quid pestis velles tu esse apud?

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