Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 13.djvu/416

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MR. Swift's gimcracks of cups and balls[1], in order to my convenient shaving with ease and dispatch, together with the prescription on half a sheet of paper, was exactly followed, but some inconveniences attended; for I cut my face once or twice, was just twice as long in the performance, and left twice as much hair behind, as I have done this twelvemonth past. I return him therefore all his implements, and my own compliments, with abundance of thanks, because he hath fixed me during life in my old humdrum way. Give me a full and true account of all your healths, and so adieu. I am ever, &c.

Oct. 3d or 4th, or rather as the butler says, the second on Tuesday 1738.

My service to all your litter, I mean Mrs. Harrison, &c. but you will call this high treason. I am still very lame of that left foot. I expect to see as many of you as you please.
  1. A box of soap and a brush.