Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 17.djvu/183

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For the love of God don't compound: let me be damned if you have a friend in the world, that loves you better than I: there is nobody can say I am covetous, or that I have any interest to pursue, but yours.

2d Guardian. There is nothing so plain, as that this Lewis has a design to ruin all his neighbouring tradesmen; and at this time he has such a prodigious income, by his trade of all kinds, that if there is not some stop put to his exorbitant riches, he will monopolize every thing: nobody will be able to sell a yard of drapery or mercery-ware but himself. I then hold it adviseable, that you continue the lawsuit, and burst him at once. My concern for the three poor motherless children, obliges me to give you this advice: for their estates, poor girls! depend upon the success of this cause.

3d Guardian. I own this writ of ejectment has cost dear; but then consider it is a jewel well worth the purchasing at the price of all you have. None but Mr. Bull's declared enemies can say, he has any other security for his clothing trade, but the ejectment of lord Strutt. The only question then that remains to be decided, is, who shall stand the expenses of the suit? To which the answer is as plain; who but he, that is to have the advantage of the sentence? When esquire South has got possession of his title and honour, is not John Bull to be his clothier? Who, then, but John, ought to put him in possession? Ask but any indifferent gentleman, who ought to bear his charges at law? and he will readily answer, his tradesmen. I do therefore affirm, and I will go to death with it, that, being his clothier, you ought to put him in quiet possession of his estate, and, with

Vol. XVII.