Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 19.djvu/10

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The same to the same 66
To Mr. Windar 67
From sir Charles Wogan 69
To alderman Barber 120
To the same 121
Mr. Pilkington to Mr. Bowyer 123
The same to the same 124
To alderman Barber 125
To the same 127
To the same 129
To Mrs. Dingley 131
To the same 133
To alderman Barber 134
To the same 136
To the same 137
Dr. Dunkin to Mrs. Whiteway 139
To alderman Barber 140
From the hon. miss Davys 142
From Alexander McAulay, esq. ib.
Lord Orrery to Mr. Pope 143
Mr. Pope to Mr. Allan 144
From Mr. Pope 146
Certificate to a discarded Servant 152
To Mr. Richardson 153
Mr. Faulkner to Mr. Bowyer 154
Sir John Browne to Mr. Faulkner, giving an Account of a Monument erected to Dr. Swift's Memory 157
Extract from Lord Bolingbroke's Will, in which his Writings are bequeathed to Mr. Mallet 160
Lord Hyde to Mr. Mallet 162
Mr. Mallet to lord Hyde 165


Observations occasioned by reading a Paper, entitled, the Case of the Woollen Manufacturers of Dublin, &c. 167
On the Bill for the Clergy's residing on their Livings 172
A Narrative of the several Attempts, which the Dissenters of Ireland have made, for a Repeal of the Sacramental Test 180
The Drapier's Letter to the Good People of Ireland, 1745 196
The Character of Dr. Swift after his Death 202
Character of Swift's Writings, by Dr. Johnson 204
