Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 2.djvu/71

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The Conclusion. Of the proper Seasons for publishing books. Of profound Writers. Of the ghost of Wit. Sleep and the Muses nearly related. Apology for the Author's fits of dulness. Method and Reason the lacquies of Invention. Our Author's great collection of Flowers of little use till now.

A Discourse concerning the Mechanical Operation of the Spirit.

The Author at a loss what title to give this piece, finds after much pains that of A Letter to a Friend to be most in vogue. Of modern excuses for haste and negligence, &c.

Sect. I. Mahomet's fancy of being carried to Heaven by an Ass, followed by many Christians. A great affinity between this creature and man. That talent of bringing his rider to Heaven the subject of this Discourse: but for Ass and Rider the Author uses the synonymous terms of Enlightened Teacher and Fanatic Hearer. A tincture of Enthusiasm runs through all men and all sciences; but prevails most in Religion. Enthusiasm defined and distinguished. That which is Mechanical and Artificial is treated of by our Author. Though Art oftentimes changes into Nature: examples in the Scythian Longheads and English Roundheads. Sense and Reason must be laid aside, to let this Spirit operate. The objections about the manner of the Spirit from above descending upon the Apostles, make not against this Spirit that arises within. The methods by which the Assembly helps to work up this Spirit, jointly with the Preacher.
