Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 7.djvu/100

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It is but so much more in debt,
And that they ne'er consider'd yet.
"Good Mr. dean, go change your gown,
Let my lord know you're come to town."
I hurry me in haste away,45
Not thinking it is levee-day;
And find his honour in a pound,
Hemm'd by a triple circle round,
Chequer'd with ribbons blue and green:
How should I thrust myself between?50
Some wag observes me thus perplex'd,
And, smiling, whispers to the next,
"I thought the dean had been too proud,
To justle here among a crowd!"
Another, in a surly fit,55
Tells me I have more zeal than wit,
"So eager to express your love,
You ne'er consider whom you shove,
But rudely press before a duke."
I own, I'm pleas'd with this rebuke,60
And take it kindly meant, to show
What I desire the world should know.
I get a whisper, and withdraw;
When twenty fools I never saw
Come with petitions fairly penn'd,65
Desiring I would stand their friend.
This humbly offers me his case —
That begs my interest for a place —

A hundred

    55. Quid vis, insane, et quas res agis? improbus urget,
    Iratis precibas, tu pulses omne quod obstat,
    Ad Mecænatem memori si mente recurras.
    Hoc juvat, et melli est, non mentiar. —
    64. —— Aliena negotia centum
    Per caput, et circa saliant latus.

80. —— Si