Page:The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, Volume 7.djvu/7

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ODE to Sir William Temple 3
Ode to the Athenian Society 10
Written in a Lady's Ivory Tablebook 21
Mrs. Harris's Petition 22
A Ballad on the Game of Traffick 27
A Ballad—To the tune of the Cut-purse 28
The Discovery 29
The Problem 31
The Description of a Salamander 33
To the Earl of Peterborow 35
On the Union 37
On Mrs. Biddy Floyd 38
Apollo Outwitted ib.
Vanbrugh's House 41
The History of Vanbrugh's' House 45
Baucis and Philemon 47
Elegy on Partridge the Almanack Maker 53
His Epitaph 56
Merlin's Prophecy ib.
A Description of the Morning 57
A Description of a City Shower 58
On the Little House by the Churchyard of Castlenock 60
The Virtues of Sid Hamet's Rod 62
Atlas, or the Minister of State 65
A Town Eclogue 66
The Fable of Midas 69
An excellent new Song on the Earl of Nottingham 71
The Windsor Prophecy 74
Epigram 76
Corinna ib.
Toland's Invitation to Dismal 77
Peace and Dunkirk, an excellent new Song 80
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