Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A., late of Pembroke-College, Oxford, and Chaplain to the Rt. Hon. the Countess of Huntingdon (1771 Volume 2).djvu/165

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visit. The remainder of this year must be spent in visiting

England and Wales. Blessed be God, there is a prospect of a revival where I have been already, at London, Bristol, and Wales, from whence I am just now come. Our Lord hath been pleased to lift up the light of his countenance upon his poor people. I beg, reverend Sir, the continuance of your prayers, that I may be stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. At present, through grace, I am willing to spend and be spent for the good of precious and immortal souls. My native air seems to improve my health, and I trust ere long I shall be lively and strong as an eagle. I suppose you have heard that the word of the Lord has been glorified in Bermudas. In a short time, I hope the adjacent islands will know what it is to feel the sun of righteousness arising with healing under his wings.

 Blest is faith that trusts his power, Blest are saints that wait his hour; Haste, great conqueror, bring it near; Let the glorious close appear.

Reverend Sir, I could write more; but must away. I beg my most cordial respects may be accepted by your whole fire-side and all friends. I intend writing to dear Mr. M—— soon. In the mean while, I must haste to subscribe myself, reverend and very dear Sir,

 Your most affectionate, obliged younger brother, and willing servant for Christ's sake, G. W.


London, August 10, 1748.

Honoured Madam,

THIS morning, just after I had begun to put pen to paper, a friend told me, that since I had been in the country, a letter had been sent me by a lady out of Scotland. I opened it, and with a pleasing surprize found it was from your Ladyship, to whom I was then writing. Blessed be God, that your soul, honoured Madam, is yet held in life! I hope it does and will prosper;