Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A., late of Pembroke-College, Oxford, and Chaplain to the Rt. Hon. the Countess of Huntingdon (1771 Volume 2).djvu/169

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answer it. I am glad that you, and the dear brethren you mentioned, are so well and happy. They are my old hearty friends as well as you. I salute them tenderly, and long for that time when we shall all surround the throne, and throw our crowns before the Lamb who sitteth thereon for ever. There we shall be all unisons: there we shall have clear heads, and perfectly clean and purified hearts. Till then we must agree, to disagree in many things, except to love and serve him, who loved us and gave himself for us, who has redeemed us unto God by his blood, hath made us kings and priests unto God, and enables us to reign over sin, death, and hell, even whilst we are here on earth. O glorious mystery! Well may the angels desire to look into it. I could enlarge, but other affairs of our Lord's kingdom call me away. For the present, adieu. I return your cordial salutations in the heartiest manner.

If our Lord should call me to Wiltshire, I would come and see you. At present I am bound to Scotland. I trust we can say, Jesus is with us here. That he may be evermore with you and all his sincere followers, is the earnest prayer of, my very dear brother,

 Yours most affectionately in him that was dead, but is alive again, and liveth for evermore, G. W.


Honoured Madam, August 21, 1748.

I Received your Ladyship's letter late last night, and write this to inform your Ladyship that I am quite willing to comply with your invitation. As I am to preach, God willing, at St. Bartholomew's on Wednesday evening, I will wait upon your Ladyship the next morning, and spend the whole day at Chelsea. Blessed be God, that the rich and great begin to have an hearing ear. I think it is a good sign that our Lord intends to give to some at least, an obedient heart. Surely your Ladyship and Madam E—— are only the first fruits. May you increase and multiply! I believe you will. How wonderfully does our Redeemer deal with souls. If they will hear the gospel only under a cieled roof, ministers shall be sent to them there. If only in a church, or a field, they shall have it