Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A., late of Pembroke-College, Oxford, and Chaplain to the Rt. Hon. the Countess of Huntingdon (1771 Volume 2).djvu/415

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  • man who was awakened under my preaching seven years ago.

He hath been at Cambridge, and was ordained last Lent by the bishop of Exeter. He is followed much, and I suppose will soon be reproached for his master's sake. What cannot Jesus do? I hope you find that he gives you strength to proceed in your book. It is enquired much after. The Lord be with you, and bless your pen, and your heart. I send my hearty love to your brother and whole houshold, and am, very dear Mr. H——,

 Yours most affectionately in our common Lord, G. W.


Dublin, May 30, 1751.

Ever-honoured Madam,

I Was uneasy that I had no opportunity of writing to your Ladyship a longer letter than my last, at leaving Wales; but it could not be avoided, and Mr. P—— (to whom I delivered your Ladyship's message) promises to supply my deficiency. I am now at Dublin, where I arrived the 24th instant. Mr. L—— gladly received me into his house, and I have been enabled to preach twice every day this week. Some seasons have been very powerful indeed, and the congregations increase daily. Last Sunday I believe ten thousand heard with great attention. After staying one Lord's day more, I shall set out for a month's circuit, and then purpose going to Scotland. I find that providence has wonderfully prepared my way, and over-ruled every thing for my greater acceptance. O that I could be more humble and thankful! Surely here are many converted souls, amongst whom are two or three students, and several soldiers. May the Lord Jesus add to their number daily such as shall be saved! I know not where this will find your Ladyship, but where-ever you are, my heart's desire and prayer to God is, that you may have a thriving soul in a healthy body, and be rewarded ten thousand fold for all favours conferred on, ever-honoured Madam,

Your Ladyship's most dutiful, obliged and
ready servant for Christ's sake,
G. W.