Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/114

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not go forth and offer his everlasting and perfect righteousness to all that shall be brought to believe on him? Satan suggests even whilst I am writing, "How canst thou speak, seeing thou art such a sinner?" But therefore will I speak, because I can say, by happy experience, that Jesus Christ will have mercy on the chief of sinners; for among such you may truly rank

Your unworthy brother, and unprofitable fellow-labourer,
in our dear Lord's vineyard,
G. W.


Dear Mrs. D. Philadelphia, Nov. 10, 1739.

TEN thousand blessings light upon you and yours! The Lord reward you ten thousand-fold for receiving me and my friends into your house. The Lord shower down his heavenly manna, and feed you with the bread of life for those comfortable meals we have had of your providing since we came on board. We have not been slack to pray for you; my heart is now full of a sense of your kindnesses. I know not when to begin and when to leave off adoring the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for these and all other of his love-tokens: He is the father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; he hath comforted me in all my tribulation, and, I am assured, will still comfort me in whatsoever I am to do or suffer for his name's sake. You, dear Mrs. D. can subscribe to this truth, that God is a God of all comfort. You have been comforted on every side; you have been filled as it were with new wine; you have tasted that the Lord is gracious, and yet the best wine is and will be always reserved till the last. The Lord's compassions fail not; they are, they will be renewed to you every morning; and though, through much tribulation, you, as well others, must enter into glory, yet you will find God to be your comforter in all tribulation. God has made you a joyful mother of christian children; remember the mother in the Maccabees; and, if ever your children are called to suffering, beg of God that you may stand by and encourage them to die for Christ. Oh that would be a spectacle indeed! A spectacle worthy of men