Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/120

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To the Rev. Mr. S.

Reverend and dear Sir, Philadelphia, Nov. 10, 1739.

THE favours received at Hertford, from you and your dear flock, are not yet out of my mind: They were exceeding endearing, and deserve my utmost acknowledgments. Had providence permitted, I should have paid you another visit; but God's thoughts are not as our thoughts: However, in about a twelvemonth, by his leave, I hope to return amongst you once more. Oh! that I may come in the blessing of the gospel of peace! The doctrines I have already preached come with double evidence upon my mind day by day. I am more and more convinced that they are the truths of God; they agree with the written word, and the experience of all the saints in all ages: Nothing more confirms me in the belief of them, than the opposition that is made against them by natural men. Election, free grace, free justification without any regard to works foreseen, are such paradoxes to carnal minds, that they cannot away with them. This is the wisdom of God, which is foolishness with man, and which, the Lord being my helper, I intend to exalt and contend for more and more; not with carnal weapons, that be far from me, but with the sword of the spirit, the word of God: No sword like that. Dear Sir, pray for me that I may rightly divide the word of truth, and give to each his portion in due season. The Lord has been exceeding gracious to me since I saw you last. Oh let your songs be of him, and praise him for all his wonderful works. As I am enabled I remember you and yours. Many, when I was with them, were mourning; ere now I hope they are comforted. He is faithful who has promised, who also will do it. If they hunger and thirst after Christ's righteousness, verily they shall know that it is imputed to them. That you and your whole charge may be filled with all the fulness of God, is the earnest prayer of, dear Sir,

Your's most affectionately in Christ Jesus,
G. W.