Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/145

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other friends. Entreat them to pray and give thanks for me; and assure them they are not forgotten by

Ever yours in Christ,
G. W.


Mr. H—— Philadelphia, Nov. 28, 1739.

AS you stand so nearly related to your daughter, who is with me, though I am unknown to you in person, yet I make bold to send you a line to inform you of her welfare. I find she did not confer much with you about her intended voyage; but I hope both you and her will have great reason to rejoice in the end. God has been pleased to visit her with some illness, but now she is perfectly recovered. What is best of all, I hope her soul prospers, and is fitting more day by day for the enjoyment of God. This was the chief end of her going abroad, and give me leave to tell you, this is the chief thing you ought, and must pursue at home. But why do I say at home? A christian hath no home but heaven. He is a stranger and pilgrim while here on earth. I hope you know better, Mr. H——, than to think you was born to drive a team, or plough a piece of ground. These things must be done, but then they should be done in subordination to the care of your better part, the soul. Your daughter tells me, you are now grey headed. Take heed, dear Mr. H——, to make your calling and election sure. Rest not in outward things. Do not flatter yourself that you are a christian, because you go to church, and do no one any harm. Nothing but a living faith in Christ Jesus our dear Lord, can qualify you for eternal life. Without this, God will be to us a consuming fire; and unless we are born again, and made new creatures in Christ, we never shall enter into the kingdom of God. If you know not what I mean by these terms, you may depend upon it, you are a stranger to this new-birth, and consequently in a state of death: but you need not fear; even at the eleventh hour Christ will accept you, if you come to him by faith. He hath shewn mercy to your son and daughter. Why may he not shew mercy to their father also? Whosoever cometh to him, he will in no-wise cast out. Haste then, dear