Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/165

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now provide things convenient for your reception.—In about six weeks I propose, God willing, to go northward.—If you can, pray favour me with your company before that time.—My friends will rejoice to hear and see you.—They join with

me in affectionate respects to yourself and Mrs. J——. I have sent you a few little tracts, and long for opportunities to convince you, reverend and dear Sir, how sincerely I subscribe myself

 Your affectionate brother and fellow-labourer in our dear Lord Jesus, G. W.

LETTER CLXVI. To Captain H. M.

Dear Sir, Savannah, March 2, 1740.

WITH pleasure I received your kind letter last night, and immediately prayed, that God would never leave you before he had finished the good work begun in your heart. He has given you a rational, I hope ere long, he will give you a spiritual conviction of sin and of Christ. When that comes, all opposition will fall before it. The world will be as nothing in your eyes, and you will act like a soldier of Jesus Christ. Indeed, dear Sir, I travail as it were in birth, till Jesus Christ be thoroughly formed within you. If I do not forget my promise, I do not forget your favours.—I make mention of you in my prayers. Linger not, dear Sir, but haste out of your spiritual Sodom. Flee, flee to Jesus Christ, whose sacred blood has made an atonement for sinners. Lay hold on his everlasting righteousness, and chuse rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy any thing which this world may afford, for a season. Accept the sermons I have herewith sent, and believe me to be, dear Sir,

Your affectionate friend and servant in Christ,

G. W.