Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/176

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yet a little while, and I shall be in heaven; and shall I not meet

my dear I—— there? God forbid! No, no; I cannot bear the thought of it. Away, my dear, dear brother, to Jesus Christ. Lay hold on his everlasting righteousness: look, look unto him by faith, and be saved. Call your dear wife to look also. Help, oh help her in the great work of her salvation; and breed up your dear child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Adieu. My heart is full. With sincerity I subscribe myself

 Your's most affectionately in our dearest, dearest Lord Jesus, G. W.


My Dear Brother, On board the Savannah, April 10, 1740.

I Have been a few days returned from Charles-Town, where our dear Lord Jesus, I trust, has begun a glorious work. Many came to me under convictions, and were made to cry out, "What shall we do to be saved?" The people were exceeding desirous of my return amongst them. If I call there, as I come northward, it may prevent my being at New-York so soon as was proposed. The Lord direct my going in his way. A Fosterian Preacher lost ground there. I think you are not much to be blamed for going out of church; but perhaps it might be better, on another such occasion, to hear the whole discourse, and then go and converse with the preacher upon it; otherwise a man may say, you are angry, and could not judge, because you did not hear all. Praise is more dangerous than contempt: but when our Lord's honour can be promoted by the display of our graces, we need not fear. His grace will be sufficient for us. I know not what person it is that you would not have me be so open to, unless it be Mr. ——. I had rather be too open than too reserved. Simplicity much becomes the Israel of God. A few days past, with full assurance of faith, I laid the first brick of our great house: Jeremiah bought land when the people were leading into captivity. My family daily increase, and, blessed be God, as yet I am kept from doubting. Pray that my faith may never fail. Some of