Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/22

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To the Same.

My dear Friend, Bristol, June 12, 1735.

LAST night about eight o'clock, your good spouse and myself came safe to our journey's end, and met with a very kind reception from all parties. After you left us, the ladies grew more serious, and at last by the assistance of Mr. Norris, our discourse ran into a proper channel. My brother does not propose sailing this fortnight; but tho' he stays longer than he proposed, yet I hope to be at Gloucester on Wednesday, for methinks my heart is still there, tho' my body be at thirty miles distance. On whose account, I leave you to guess. I cannot help reflecting on Sunday. Did not those sighs, think you, Sir, proceed from some unusual meditations on the importance of religion? Were they not some infant strugglings after the new birth? Surely they were. And I trust ere long, after a few strugglings with corrupted nature, the Holy Ghost will replenish your heart with comfort and peace. Proper retirement and solitude are no bars; but rather great helps to a religious life. We find, our Saviour was led into a wilderness, before he entered on his publick ministry, and so must we too, if we ever intend to tread in his steps. As for my brother, I trust the cares of the world, the desire of riches, &c. will not always choak the good seed. However, I hope you my dear friend will not defer so important a thing. But, why do I say hope, when I am assured you will not. Methinks, I would willingly undergo the pangs, so you might enjoy the pleasures of the new birth. But this must not be. All we can do is to sympathize with and pray for each other, which I hope will not be wanting on either side, as such a close friendship has commenced between dear Mr. H. and

 Your sincere friend and humble servant, G. W.

LETTER VIII. To the Same.

Dear Sir, Bristol, Sept. 5, 1735.

HOW welcome is a line from a faithful friend? even as welcome as a shower of rain in a droughty season. But