Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/228

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grace. But I will say no more. My dear brother, I love you. May the Lord lead you into all truth. Our dear Master is doing wonders among us. Praise him lustily, and

with a good courage. Adieu. Dear J—— S—— salutes you and the brethren, as does

 Yours affectionately, G. W.

LETTER CCXXV. To the Rev. Mr. Z—- M——.

Reverend and dear Brother, Boston, Sept. 28, 1740.

I Received—I felt your letter. Surely there is a sympathy between souls that have drank into the same spirit. God willing, I purpose to come and see you; and will endeavour to send you timely notice: but oh do not expect too great things from me; for if you do, who knows but my Lord may desert me; and then what am I? Excuse the brevity of this. So many persons come to me under convictions, and for advice, that I have scarce time to eat bread. Wonderful things are doing here. The word runs like lightning. Dagon daily falls before the ark. I know you will, in spirit, pray that a due sense of his own vileness may be continually given to

 Your affectionate, though unworthy, brother and servant in our glorious Emmanuel, G. W.

LETTER CCXXVI. To Mr. W——, at Bristol.

Dear Brother W——, Boston, Sept. 28, 1740.

WHAT mean you by disputing in all your letters? May God give you to know yourself, and then you will not plead for absolute perfection; or call the doctrine of election a "doctrine of devils." My dear brother, take heed; see you are in Christ a new creature. Beware of a false peace: strive to enter in at the strait gate; and give all diligence to make your calling and election sure. Remember you are but a babe in Christ, if so much. Be humble, talk little, think and pray much. Let God teach you, and he will lead you into all truth. I love you heartily: I pray