Page:The Works of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. (1771 Vol 1).djvu/251

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me. By the help of my God, I shall triumph over all.—I hope we shall grow in grace before we meet again. You and I have weak crazy tabernacles; I hope you rejoice in the prospect of putting them off shortly; blessed be God, I do.—Dear Sir, get acquainted more and more with electing love; study the covenant of redemption, and see how God loved you with an everlasting love. This will cause you to glory only in the Lord, and to pass through the valley of the shadow of death, with a full assurance of faith; knowing that Christ hath engaged to lodge you safe in eternal glory. Thither your dear wife is gone before us; I often think of, I could almost say envy her; but perhaps that is wrong. Yet a little while, and our precious Lord shall take both you, and

Your affectionate friend, brother,
and servant in Christ,
G. W.

LETTER CCLIII. To Mr. B——, at Port-Royal.

Dear Mr. B. On board the Minerva, Feb. 16. 1741.

I Hope you will never forget that day, hour, or moment, wherein God met you at Savannah. If you have in some measure, do so no more. "Awake thou that sleepest, and Christ shall give thee light." Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. No man can serve two masters. Use the world, but let it be as though you used it not. The fashion of this world will soon, very soon, fade away. Dear Mr. B——, I am persuaded, will not be offended at this plain dealing. He knows I love him. God knows it also. With much affection, I subscribe myself

 Your friend and servant, G. W.


Dear Mrs. B. On board the Minerva, Feb. 16, 1741.

WHEN you read that Jesus loved Lazarus, Mary, and their sister Martha, do you not make a particular ap-