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This, at present, is the full desire of my soul. I am persuaded the Lord will satisfy it. God is love; we cannot think too highly of him; we cannot expect too great things to be done by him. His right hand, I believe, will bring mighty things to pass. I am now entering on a scene of trials. The Lord hath sent me on the seas to prepare me for them. Not that I depend on any stock of grace already received, I would look to Christ continually. But whither am I running? I forget myself. I almost fancy, I am talking with you. I have only

room to acquaint you, that dear J—— S—— sits by me, and cordially salutes you, with

 Your affectionate friend, brother, and servant in Christ, G. W.

LETTER CCLXIII. To the Rev. Mr. S——, Charles-Town.

Rev. and dear Sir, On board the Minerva, Feb. 17, 1741.

YOU have been very kind to me in many respects; but I have been ungrateful to you, and infinitely more so to my gracious God. I have not failed frequently to bemoan my unworthiness. Since I have been on board, the Lord hath heard the voice of my weeping, and now fills my soul with all peace and joy in believing. I have been much assisted in composing sermons for the press. At present my soul is closely adverting to God, who, I believe, will bring me safe to glory. My bodily strength is much renewed. In short, I am comforted on every side. Dear Sir, praise the Lord in my behalf. O let us magnify his name together. I hope you feel what it is to have fellowship with the Father and the Son, and experience the influences of the Holy Ghost, in delivering your blessed master's message. I salute Mr. P—— and your whole church. My request is, "Brethren, pray and give thanks for us."—When you write to New-England, pray remember me to all friends in the kindest manner. That country, and the people, lie very near my heart. I hope to be favoured with a line from you ere I return from England. Great perils there await me; but Jesus Christ will send his angel, and roll away every stone of difficulty. In his strength alone